arccClinical™ Intuitive Specialty-Specific Workflows with a Built-in Universal Viewer

Enable all image-generating specialties to be part of your enterprise imaging strategy with Apollo arcc®

Apollo arccClinical™, the clinical application and universal viewer, supports health systems to organize and access medical imaging across numerous departments, provides efficient clinical workflows that drive effective care, and converges viewing into a single pane of glass. arccClinical is the clinical module that is specifically designed to be used in any clinical specialty with full integration to the EMR (Electronic Medical Records) and EMR-driven workflows.
arccClinical supports viewing images from various modalities side by side on a single pane of glass. The platform enables clinicians to manage and view images from multiple departments with multiple data types allowing providers to focus on the patient not the technology. Now caregivers have ONE system that can capture and view all images from every ‘Ology
arccClinical™ provides both orders- and encounters-based workflows and modules for more than 45 specialty-specific departments across the healthcare enterprise. This enables every department throughout the enterprise to securely acquire, manage, and access all clinical content. It provides the ability to integrate directly to non-DICOM modality devices and ensure the assignment of metadata with relevance and accuracy.
Apollo combines the patient clinical content from multiple specialties and physical devices within a healthcare institution to create a holistic longitudinal view of the entire patient. This image-enables the patient record and the EMR.
Providing Clinicians with One View of All Patient Images across the Entire Enterprise
Enterprise-Wide Interoperability
arccClinical™ extends throughout the continuum of care using standards-based connectivity to link the clinical department, the enterprise, the community, and the patient. arccClinical is specifically designed to be used in any clinical specialty with full integration to the EMR and EMR-driven workflows
Point of Care image capture
arccClinical™ provides department specific workflows that enable clinicians to capture clinical images at the point of care and include important metadata, providing unstructured data with structured data capabilities. Standard interfaces to over 100 clinical modality devices to acquire patient images. Single point of interfacing with image capture devices across multiple specialties, reducing IT overhead.
Goes Beyond HIPAA Compliance
arccClinical™ provides tools to enable compliance with “Chain of Custody” requirements, data protection and image-level security. Additional security to lock-down images in the patient record and selective publication to the EMR.
Disease Tracking
arccClinical™ provides tools to select clinical content to be added to a Disease Tracking library for the patient. Monitor wound care healing progress or track a malignant mole over time.
Viewing on a Single Pane of Glass
An enhanced universal viewer to view and manage clinical images from all modalities side by side at the same time within a user’s clinical context, such as a Radiology CT scan side-by-side with a Pathology whole slide scan.
Research& education support
Reduced prep time for tumor boards and presentations, reducing the collating of patient records. Anonymized images from your institution can be categorized by disease, diagnosis, or other classification. Residents, students and others can search and query for different cases.