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    arcc M2IP defined

    Apollo’s Multi-Disciplinary Medical Imaging Platform – arcc®

    The Society for Imaging Informatics in Medicine (SIIM) annual conference took place in Austin, Texas, last month. Apollo had a booth in the exhibit hall, along with many other healthcare IT vendors. While looking for great BBQ in Austin was fun, what we found more interesting was most every vendor there referred to themselves as “Enterprise Imaging” (EI). What they meant by that term varied widely from vendor to vendor: The Radiology PACS vendors meant “ use our solution to provide an Enterprise PACS;” the Interface vendors meant, “we can tie all your systems together with our interface engine to create EI;” and other vendors really did not have a definition but had it as a headline topic on their booth display.

    What does this mean, and how does Apollo stand out in a sea of companies promoting their definition of EI? As the week progressed, it became clear that we were the only healthcare IT vendor on the floor that could support whichever department participants were trying to solve problems for, or whatever imaging format was being addressed. Said another way: clinical workflows and tying all images and departments into a single patient record are vital to effective patient care.

    The other thing that became apparent is that EI is now a ubiquitous term that everyone has adopted. As we have stated before, to be a true EI solution, you must address departmental workflows: how clinicians use our system to capture, view, store and make images available to other caregivers across the health system. The goal of an enterprise imaging strategy should be to improve your clinical workflows, provide multi-disciplinary access to all patient images, and enable you to gain efficiencies throughout your health system. As the Apollo Repository for Clinical Content, arcc, does just that.

    Here at Apollo, we want to be sure customers and partners understand what EI solution we provide. To address that, we have thought about what we really are trying to provide for our customers, and what term is incredibly descriptive of Apollo arcc. The term is “Multi-Disciplinary Medical Imaging Platform“(M²IP). This term resonates immediately as it directly addresses the complexity that hospitals face with the amount of imaging of all kinds being generated across hospitals today. We won’t change the name arcc, but the description will be M²IP. 

    Apollo’s Multi-disciplinary Medical Imaging Platform supports health systems to organize and access medical imaging across all departments, provides efficient workflows that drive effective care, and converges viewing on a single pane of glass. You can achieve cost-effective, scalable multi-disciplinary access to patient images for collaboration, care planning, tumor boards, and viewing across the continuum of care. Learn more about how you can implement Apollo’s M2IP, arcc, and achieve your enterprise imaging goals.

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